Hello guys! Just wanted to tell you I recently Submutted another Voice Acting thing since I haven't done that in a while, and plus I was really bored. Here it is: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /371641
Anywho, October has been a really busy month for me, so I haven't been able to get much done lately. But now the busy part is over, and I can finally relax :)
Noice new demo, but...like have you ever heard the ones that are like...idk...they seem like skits? and the voices change a lot.....you should make one like that.lol I bet it'd be awesome! ;D
Technically they are skits idk were people are getting that they are voice demos lol I plan on trying to make a voice acting skit that is a long story, like not just a minute, and actually has some depth to it. At the moment I'm kinda just tossing around ideas :P I haven't made a Voice Demo yet, I'm planning to do one soon, though all the things on my Audio Portal right now is just me messing around lol I plan to make a professional voice demo in the near future like the one you are saying.